
Frequently asked questions

How does the free trial work?
You have 30-days from registration to use all features without restriction. Upon expiry, you will be required to make payment to continue using your workspace.
How will I be billed?
You will either be billed on an auto recurring monthly or annual basis depending on the plan you choose.
How do you handle payments?
All payments require a payment card to setup. We use Stripe to handle the payment process on our behalf.
Do you store my payment card details on file?
No. Everything payment related is handled by Stripe who have a world-class reputation as online payment experts.
What are public projects?
A public project means anyone with access to the project page's unique url can view the project's public status updates. All public projects are identified by a blue bottom border.
What are public status updates?
Project status updates marked as publicly viewable appear on a publicly available project. All other non-public project status updates remain private. A status update might be set to publicly viewable, however, will only be visible when the project is also set to public.
How many team members can I add to my workspace?
Up to 100 team members can be added to your workspace. Should you require additional allowance, please contact us.
How do I add team members to my workspace?
Each workspace has its own unique access code which can be given to team members to use to join your workspace.
How frequent are project updates requested?
The project status update cycle is weekly and uses the calendar week number to determine whether a project status update has already been provided by each of the subscribed team members that week.
Does WorkStatus help chase team members for updates?
Yes. We send an email reminder to all team members every Tuesday morning chasing updates. Why Tuesday you ask? We give people the opportunity to update their project status on Monday and if all status updates are up to date, no reminder will be sent the following day.